Locate anyone in Washington with a people search online. Look up a person and obtain their address, age, possible relatives and telephone numbers associated with the name. See other names and aliases of Washington residents. Create geographically targeted searches when looking for background information. Compile prior addresses to find out which cities, counties or other venues to search. Your investigation may take you outside of Washington where many hidden records may be held.
Request Washington criminal records statewide from official statewide sources. The public records directory will help you look up best criminal history sources online including information from the state patrol. Obtain felony and misdemeanor history in a Washington residents’ past and conduct a background check using the CHRI system. Obtain public records of criminal trials, convictions, traffic violations and infractions. The state’s court structure maintains case files of divorces, lawsuits, juvenile issues, probate and other trials. Lookup judgments by case number or party name instantly online using the state databases. By linking to the vital records offices division of Washington Department of Health, you can see how to obtain birth, death, marriage and divorce certificates. Request birth and death certificates from 1907 to present and Marriage certificates from 1968.
Search assets recorded in Washington such as real estate ownerships from county recorders showing value, land size and assessments. The Washington Secretary of State’s corporate division provides instant information about businesses revealing status, agent name, name and address of managers. Refer back to all the addresses found under the name and search other states by using same sources listed within the same public record directory. The electronic access to Washington’s Western and Eastern district bankruptcy courts allows public access to case files with certain restrictions in consideration of privacy and confidentiality. Verify the license of a professional from appraisers to wrestlers. Many sites offer free instant searches as a service to residents of Washington that anyone can use without membership or fees. Immediately lookup uniform commercial code (UCC) filings. Find out about predators in your area, missing children, offenders, the most wanted and currently incarcerated Washington inmates. For more current information a variety of periodicals can be found with news agencies.
When investigating, researching or just trying to request one specific record, you can begin your query with the best sites found online. Even if you’re a novice, a successful start of your search can be easily achieved with the right sources. Use a directory of government sources that provide official records, certificates and copies. Private companies in many instances will offer free services to residents of Washington in efforts to promote their sites and provide great search tools for the public’s use. Best sites with helpful searches and useful information will generally contain easy to follow instructions, free forms, minimal costs to cover copy and processing expenses and open to the general public. Get help with your research with informative frequently asked questions. Check blogs for tips and look up frequently asked questions for help with your search.