City of Brillion
Directory of Brillion city records and information
130 Calumet Street
Brillion, WI 54110
Phone: (920) 756-2250
Fax: (920) 756-2351
Brillion Police Department
Crime prevention and law enforcement services
130 Calumet Street
Brillion, WI 54110
Phone: (920) 756-2221
Brillion Fire Department
Fire services
130 Calumet Street
Brillion, WI 54110
Phone 920-756-2424
Brillion Building Inspections
Building requirements and code enforcement
130 Calumet Street
Brillion, WI 54110
Phone: (920) 756-2250
Brillion Area Chamber of Commerce
Listing of local businesses
P.O. Box 123
Brillion, WI 54110
Phone: (920) 756-3435
Brillion Public Library
Access to libraries, reference materials, and research assistance
326 North Main Street
Brillion, WI 54110-1190
Phone: (920) 756-3215
Brillion School District
General education information and services
315 South Main Street
Brillion, WI 54110-1207
Phone: (920) 756-2368
City of Brillion Census Bureau Information
Population demographic information
Brillion, WI 54110
Brillion Wisconsin Crime Information Bureau
Conducting criminal background checks
Wisconsin Department of Justice
P.O. Box 7857
Madison, WI 53707-7857
Tel: 608-266-1221
State of Wisconsin Department of Corrections
Brillion Inmate and offender search
3099 East Washington Avenue
Post Office Box 7925
Madison, Wisconsin 53707-7925
DOC Records Office (608) 240-3750
Center for Missing and Exploited Children
Quick search for missing children, sex offenders, Amber alerts, records and more public information