City of Greensburg
Directory of Greensburg city records and information
Greensburg City Clerk
Official records and legal files
314 West Washington Street
Greensburg IN 47240
Phone: (812) 663-8582
Greensburg Police Department
Law enforcement services
201 South Broadway
Greensburg IN 47240
Phone: (812) 663-3131
Greensburg Fire Department
Fire and emergency services
528 North Ireland Street
Greensburg IN 47240
Phone: (812) 663-8671
Greensburg Public Library
Reference and research materials
1110 East Main Street
Greensburg IN 47240
Phone: (812) 663-2826
Fax: (812) 663-5617
Greensburg Chamber of Commerce
Business listings directory
125 N. Broadway
Greensburg IN 47240
Phone: (812) 663-2832
Search Greensburg Indiana State Police Criminal History
State Police Headquarters Indiana
100 N Senate Ave,
Indianapolis, IN
(317) 232-8250
State Information: 1-800-457-8283
Greensburg Criminal and Civil Court Case Search
Indiana Judicial Center
30 South Meridian Street, Suite 900
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Pho: 317.232.1313
Fax: 317.233.3367
Center for Missing & Exploited Children
Quick search for missing children, sex offenders, Amber alerts, records and more public information.
Inmate Search and Community Corrections in Greensburg
Indiana Department of Correction
302 West Washington Street
IGCS, Room E334
Indianapolis, IN 46204