Search Harris County Texas for Free Public Records, Criminal Records and Court Records


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Harris County is located in the U.S. state of Texas and is the most populous county in the state. Its county seat is Houston, the largest city in Texas and fourth largest city in the United States. The county was founded in 1836 and organized in 1837.

The county government of Harris County is a constitutional body granted specific powers by the Constitution of Texas and the Texas Code. The county government is composed of four elected commissioners, a county judge, and several other elected offices. The county judge is the presiding officer of the Commissioners Court, the policy-making body of the county. The county judge also has the power to veto any item on the Commissioners Court agenda. The Commissioners Court is composed of four commissioners, each elected from a single-member district. The Commissioners Court is the primary policy-making body of the county. It is responsible for setting the county tax rate, adopting the county budget, and approving county contracts. The Commissioners Court also has the power to pass ordinances and resolutions.

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