City of Moundsville
Directory of Moundsville city records and information
800 Sixth Street
Moundsville, West Virginia 26041
Phone: 304-845-3944
Moundsville City Clerk
Official records and legal files, business licenses and local election services
800 Sixth Street
Moundsville WV 26041
Phone: (304) 845-3944
Moundsville Police Department
Law enforcement services, crime tips and reports
800 Sixth Street
Moundsville WV 26041
Phone: (304) 845-1611
Moundsville Fire Department
Fire, medical and emergency rescue services
800 Sixth Street
Moundsville WV 26041
Phone: (304) 845-2050
Moundsville Building Inspection
Contractor's licenses, building, electrical, plumbing, occupancy permits
800 Sixth Street
Moundsville WV 26041
Phone: (304) 845-3394
Moundsville-Marshall County Public Library
Reference materials, research assistance, books, videos, magazine databases
700 Fifth Street
Moundsville WV 26041
Phone: (304) 845-6911
Marshall County Chamber of Commerce
Moundsville businesses directory, economic and professional resources
604 Jefferson Avenue
Moundsville WV 26041
Phone: (304) 845-2773
Marshall County Airport
Moundsville general aviation services
Route 2 Box 322A
Moundsville WV 26041
Phone: (304) 845-0200
Fax: (304) 845-0278
Moundsville, U.S. Census Bureau
Population and demographic information
Moundsville WV 26041
Moundsville West Virginia Civil and Criminal Courts
Search for criminal cases, divorces and other civil filings
Moundsville Archives and History
Births, deaths, marriages and other historical records
West Virginia Division of Culture and History
1900 Kanawha Boulevard East
Building 9; Charleston
WV 25305-0300
Center for Missing & Exploited Children
Quick search for missing children, sex offenders, Amber alerts, records and more public information
Inmate Search and Community Corrections
Search for inmates, parole violators, death row inmates and more
1325 Virginia St. East
Charleston, WV 25301