The state of Nevada presents a collaborative effort among law enforcement, criminal justice and other public agencies to ensure the safe return of a missing or abducted child. A tool that may begin that search is the Nevada Amber Alert program, a cooperative program which includes law enforcement, the media and the public in a combined effort to combat abduction by sending out immediate, up-to-date information that aids in the child's safe recovery. The Nevada Missing Children Information Clearinghouse offers assistance for children, families, police, other clearinghouses, non-profit child recovery organizations, and communities by providing information, referrals, training, and coordination among agencies. An important non profit organization serving the state is the Nevada Child Seekers which offers support to families, an emergency volunteer search force, abduction prevention and DNA and fingerprinting information. A myriad of information is available on the internet in the form of search databases, websites which offer lists, photos, and details of children currently missing in Nevada, Guidelines and information regarding internet safety for children is an important resource for parents and guardians.