City of Orting
Directory of Orting city records and information
110 Train St SE
Orting, WA 98360
Phone: (360) 893-2219
Pierce County Fire District #18
Orting fire and emergency services
Station 40 - Headquarters
401 Washington Ave SE
Orting, Wa. 98360
Phone: (360) 893-2221
Orting Police Department
Neighborhood Watch and law enforcement services
PO Box 489
401 Washington Avenue Southeast
Orting, WA 98360
Phone: (360) 829-3157
Orting Municipal Court
Traffic violations and criminal misdemeanors
Post Office Box 489
401 Washington Avenue Southwest
Orting, WA 98360
Phone: (360) 893-3160
Orting Building Department
Permit and code enforcement
Post Office Box 489
401 Washington Avenue Southwest
Orting, WA 98360
Phone: (360) 893-2219, ext. 124
Orting Chamber of Commerce
Listing of local businesses
202 Washington Ave
Orting, WA 98360
Phone: (360) 893-5000
Pierce County Library System
Access to Orting libraries, reference materials, and research materials
Orting Branch
202 Washington Ave S
Orting, WA 98360
Phone: (360) 893-2661
Orting School District #344
General education information and services
120 Washington Ave N.,
Orting, WA 98360
Phone: 360-893-6500
City of Orting Census Bureau Information
Population demographic information
Orting, WA 98360
Orting Washington Background Checks
Washington State Patrol Identification and Criminal History Section
Washington State Patrol
General Administration Building
PO Box 42600
Olympia WA 98504-2600
Phone: (360) 596-4000
Civil and Criminal Cases In Washington Courts
Divorces, criminal history and other court filings
The Administrative Office Of The Courts
1206 Quince Street SE
P.O. Box 41170
Olympia, WA 98504-1170
Center for Missing and Exploited Children
Quick search for missing children, sex offenders, Amber alerts, records and more public information
Find An Offender Statewide
Washington State Department of Corrections
Mailing Address:
Post Office Box 41100, Mail Stop 41100
Olympia, Washington 98504-1100
Physical Address:
7345 Linderson Way SW
Tumwater, WA 98501-6504