Plainfield Township
Directory of township services and departments
6161 Belmont Ave, NE
Belmont, MI 49306-9609
Phone: 616-364-8466
Fax: 616-364-6537
Plainfield Township Clerk
Official documents and records, voter registration file and legal notices
6161 Belmont Avenue NE
Belmont MI 49306
Phone: (616) 364-8466
Kent County Sheriff Department
Plainfield Township law enforcement and corrections programs and services
701 Ball Avenue NE
Grand Rapids MI 49503
Phone: 616-632-6200
Fax: 616-632-6217
Plainfield Township Fire Department
Fire, emergency and rescue services, fire safety programs
4343 Plainfield Avenue NE
Grand Rapids MI 49525
Phone: (616) 361-2895
Fax: (616) 364-1187
Plainfield Township Assessor's Office
Property tax, market value assessment
6161 Belmont Avenue NE
Belmont MI 49306
Phone: (616) 726-8880
Plainfield Township Community Development Department
Planning, zoning, building permits and inspection services
6161 Belmont Avenue NE
Belmont MI 49306
Phone: (616) 726-8899
Plainfield Township Cemeteries
Grave and burial fees, cemetery location and records information
6161 Belmont Avenue, NE
Belmont MI 49306
Phone: 616-364-8466
Fax: 616-364-6537
Plainfield Township Public Library
Reference resources, library programs and community events
2650 Five Mile Road NE
Grand Rapids MI 49525
Phone: (616) 647-3930
Fax: (616) 361-1007
Hyser Rivers Museum
Plainfield Township museum, tour information
6440 West River Rd NE
Belmont MI 49306
Phone: (616) 364-8466
Plainfield Township, U.S. Census Bureau
Population and demographic information
Belmont MI 49306
Plainfield Michigan Criminal Records Search and Depository
Michigan State Police Headquarters
714 S. Harrison Road
East Lansing, Michigan 48823
Information:(517) 332-2521
Plainfield Michigan Courts, Civil Cases, Criminal History and Filings
Search criminal cases, divorces and other civil matters
Michigan Hall of Justice
925 West Ottawa
Lansing, Michigan 48915
Phone: 517-373-0130
Center for Missing & Exploited Children
Quick search for missing children, sex offenders, Amber alerts, records and more public information
Plainfield Michigan Inmate Search and Community Corrections
Michigan Department of Corrections
206 E. Michigan Ave
Grandview Plaza
PO Box 30003
Lansing, MI 48909
(517) 335-1426