City of Salem
Directory of Salem city records and information
555 Liberty St SE
Salem, Oregon 97301
City of Salem Police Department
Police services information
555 Liberty St SE Rm 130
Salem, Oregon 97301
City of Salem Fire Department
Fire services information
370 Trade St SE
Salem, Oregon 97301
Salem City Recorder
Recorded documents
555 Liberty St SE
Salem, Oregon 97301
City of Salem Public Library
Search publications online
Central Library
585 Liberty Street SE
Salem, OR
City of Salem Municipal Court
Misdeamnor and traffic violation information
Salem-Keizer Public Schools
Education and school information
2450 Lancaster Dr. NE
Salem, Oregon, 97305
City of Salem Chamber of Commerce
Business directory and information
1110 Commercial St. N.E.
Salem, OR 97301
Phone: 503-581-1466
Salem City Manager
City management information
555 Liberty St. SE
Room 220
Salem, OR 97301
(503) 588-6255
City of Salem Census Bureau Information
Quick, easy access to facts about people, business, and geography
The Statesman Journal Newspaper
Searchable newspapr and archives
Salem Municipal Airport
Flight and airline information
2990 25th Street SE
Salem Oregon, 97302
Phone: 503.588.6314
Cherriots, Salem-Keizer Transit
Routes and schedule information
City of Salem Permits and Inspections
Permit requirements information
Salem Oregon Official Criminal History Background Check
Oregon State Police Public Records Unit
3772 Portland Rd NE
Salem, Or 97301
Phone: 503-378-3070
Center for Missing & Exploited Children
Quick search for missing children, sex offenders, Amber alerts, records and more public information.
Salem Inmate Search
Oregon Department of Corrections
2575 Center St. NE
Salem, OR